Wulcon is one of the pioneering sustainability companies in Buenos Aires, dedicated to large residential solar thermal developments, sustainable architecture, boutique corporate consultancy and setting platforms for high-impact social projects.
Our Mission
Since 2009, we have explored different ways in the social enterprise business model can accelerate the low-carbon energy transition and tackle its very roots.
We consider the Earth system to be our major shareholder.
So we follow shareholder primacy according to law.
my role:
Founder and Director (2009-2014)
IN THE LAST 5 YEARS, WE HAVE DISPLACED around 700 Tn OF CO2 with our installations.
we need between 250'000 and 500'000 like us
until the end of the century
to stay within safe climate targets.
Wulcon Energy S.A.
current directors:
Aleja Isa, Santiago Fuentes
chairman: Martin Wainstein
active business units:
GreenHaus, WakeUpLab
active social projects:
Practica Sustentable, Plug-In Social
check-out some of our videos
Large scale residential solar thermal system installed in Santa Fe City, Argentina.
High social impact carbon offset project in Jujuy province, Argentina. Project neutralized flight emissions from a snowboard clinic organized by our friends from SASS.
SOCIAL PLUG-IN - A social impact cooperative developed among out network to install home improvement systems in Argentina's low-income communities. Projects are developed as a workshop to produce replication, and all systems are designed to maximize the use of upcycled and recycled equipment.
SOLAR THERMAL UNIT - Video made for a large scale flat-panel installation in BsAs top 5star hotel